Basic Body Thinking  CVA-stroke, CP- cerebral palsy


is a functional therapeutic thinking that allows for optimal and minimal alignment and compensation of internal forces, both during movement (weight transfers and control) and in different body-holding positions (weight-bearing and control) against external forces, whose main structure is gravitational force. This activity requires a body capable of synergistically coordinating and producing what is required of it without the need for cognitive effort.

אנחנו עושים
CP - Cerebral Palsy
After the brain damage, which in itself does not change, the body is forced to cope with the deficiency it left behind.
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Genetic Disorders or Syndromes
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Idiopathic Toe Walking
Part of the understanding that there are children who walk on their toes, should include the assumption that any way the ...
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Developmental Delay
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Falls in elderly
A device that evaluates and can help improve control of the base of support (BoS), in standing possession to advance ba ...
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Case Manager
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Gravity and Hunan body movement
It is not all in the brain
מידע נוסף
article title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nisi quam, vehicula nec neque id.
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Cerebral palsy (CP) with therapeutic thinking and advanced treatment
In our treatment, we place special emphasis on the motor and sensory system responsible for achieving and
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What is ‘successful rehabilitation’?
Provision and receipt of person and family centred care was the most important indicator of successful
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article title
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nisi quam, vehicula nec neque id.
מידע נוסף
Eight weeks of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching and static stretching do not affect muscle-tendon properties, muscle strength, and joint function in children with spastic cerebral p
Eight weeks of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching and static stretching do not affect muscle-tendon properties, muscle strength, and joint function in children with spastic cerebral p
Manual stretching may not be appropriate for children with spastic cerebral palsy
מידע נוסף

Elderly Population

Postural control theory views balance as the output of the integration of the body as a mechanical system and the nervous system in a continuously changing manner. There are 6 important components in this theory: (1) constraints on the biomechanical system, (2) movement strategies, (3) sensory strategies, (4) orientation in space, (5) dynamic control, and (6) cognitive processing. Deficit in any one of the components could lead to balance impermeant.

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